Sunday, November 11, 2012

1972 CHEVY


Dad's jealous!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Grateful for our Grandparents!

My Grandparents will absolutely not slow down in their elder years!!  They have two homes and will not stop driving from one place to the other. I realize a drivers license would be so hard to turn in.  I don't look forward to those days!  God had other plans for them this year and because of divine intervention they did not make it to Arizona this year.  They had a horrible role over accident and grandpa suffered through a terrible head injury.  He is now out of the hospital in a rehabilitation center, but grandma is still in the hospital with a broken neck, ribs and bruised lungs.  She is slowly on the road to recovery.  God bless them both, they are in our prayers everyday!

They were taken to the hospital on Halloween night.  Grandpa is so positive and fun!  He wanted the girls to give him a mow-hawk so we DID!!!  Before his hair cut the doctors and nurses said he had the best costume they had ever seen!
Darth Vader!

Friday, November 9, 2012


Even though the kids are getting older they still love this holiday!  They all went to parties and we had a date night and went to the movies!!!



Tyler Kelsey asked Jayde to Homecoming! This was so cute!

YES... we answered with a real fish...but I think it already went to fishy heaven!


We had tons of help getting Jayde ready!

Tyler & Jayde

Jayde had so much fun at the homecoming dance!  They went paint balling for the day date and then they were off to dinner and dance! Did I mention how gorgeous she looked! I have so much fun with these teenagers, but I also hate how fast my kids grow up!!!

Friday, July 13, 2012


I get so mad every time we go to court for Joses case.  We just do circles round and round.  Our legal system is so messed up it makes it hard for me to have faith that everything is going to work out!  The prosecutor is a you know what and the Judge isn't much different.  Big important people say they want to help but when it comes down to it no one does!!!  I am ready to scream and shout....well I have done that several times in the privacy of my own home.  Something has to happen and quick because if I feel this way then I can't imagine what Jose is going through!!  I just needed to vent a little and feel sorry for myself.  I realize their are others going through worse, but sometimes I feel like my heart is literally going to break in two!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


As fathers day approaches I can't help but think how lucky I am to have married the love of my life and have 4 wonderful children with this amazing man!  He has always worked hard for our family and I am forever grateful for his dedication.  He works with lot's of teenagers!  A job that not just anyone can do and I have always said it is like hes a father to hundreds!  On fathers day his phone rings off the hook (which anyone who knows him it does anyway) but on this day it is calls of appreciation from lives that he has touched and changed for the better!  I wanted to beat everyone this year and tell him what an amazing father he is!!!  Individually our kids look up to you with so much love and respect.  Thank you again for always being the best you can be I appreciate and love you more than you will ever know!  XOXO