In December 2011 right before Christmas I lost my Grandfather (Baba). It is really like I've always had 2 fathers in this world because I have always been close to both my father and grandfather. It has taken me this long to blog about it because I don't want to say it out loud because it just makes me miss him all the more! Since the day I was born my grandpa and I had this special bond and anyone who knew him could tell you all about it! When I was little about 2 or 3 we had to move away from him and it was hard for us to be away from each other so to make it easier we had a set time to look at the stars and moon each night and then it was like he was right by my side! We did this for years and I tell you now I look out my window every night and it helps me feel close to him. Yes, I come from a Greek family and we are crazy close and basically live right next door to each other!
I felt like it was time to pay tribute to such a caring, loving, would do anything for his family, and I can't help, but say honrey old man (baba, you have to admit you always got your way, you thought you were always right, your Greek and no one was going to change you and I was the only one that could tell you to knock it off!) He was so miserable these last years that it was breaking my heart to talk to him on the phone (at least 5x a day and I am not exaggerating) because his body was failing him! He was so active in his life he taught me how to work, how to play, drive, fish, you name it and we did it together. I even had my teenage friends at his house almost every weekend......whos grandpa does that??? Well mine did and I could go on forever about this man and our journey in this world together! Our relationship didn't change when I got married it just got even more involved....he charished his time with my kids and built this wonderful relationship with them as well. He said he lived for them and I believe that with all my heart! Baba thanks for all the memories. You taught me the most important thing in this world and that is to love my family and I promise I will take care of all of them to the best of my ability! I can't wait till we meet again! I love you.

Baba wasn't feeling very good but he put on a good face and we enjoyed our time with him! |
Don't judge me by my looks....the girls and I were cleaning their house!
The Girls told him to make a funny face! |